The Present

Created by Scott Thrift

Tools for being in time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Full Moon Update — Lunar Movement News
about 3 years ago – Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 01:26:39 AM

Hello fellow time travelers,

The adventure continues.

Today’s update focuses on where we are in the development of our lunar movement.


Just after the campaign wrapped up last October I received news that the company I worked with in the past to develop the world's first annual movement that auto-sets itself to the present, will not be producing our lunar movement. In fact, besides the last batch of annual movements they are making for us, they will no longer make clock movements as a part of their business at all.

Now that was understandably unfortunate news but I am optimistic to a fault, thanked them for everything including considering engineering the lunar movement and wished them luck. Also, I reserved the need to share this information with you until I had a solid solution. That solution is what today's update is all about.


Well, first I located and purchased every lunar movement that already exists to begin testing. I was only able to find three different versions on the planet. However, the movements are poorly made, loud and after many moons of testing, I was unable to find one that could remain accurate from moon to moon.


At a conference in the fall of 2019 I had the pleasure of meeting Josh Levine. Among many, many other things Josh is an electrical engineer and is the technical mind behind Kickstarter Creator Jonathan Bobrow's inventive digital board game Blinks.  


Josh was also the technical brain behind Kickstarter phenoms CW&T’s gorgeous temporal experiment, 'Time Since Launch' 

Time Since Launch

Both of these projects are beautifully made works art so I invite you to calm any nerves you may have about the newest player in the game of The Present.  BTW if you don’t recall, CW&T is the industrial design agency I am lucky to be working with on the latest editions of our timepieces.

Pau + Taylor + Che-Wei

As soon as I found out that my German team was a no-go back in October, I set up a meeting with Josh to discuss the development of an original Lunar Movement for The Present Moon. The brief was to make the movement as elegant as possible in form and function.

Josh is really funny.


Wow that was fast! Yep. Last night I met up with Josh in the Upper West Side of Manhattan to collect the first prototype of the new original Lunar Movement.


As we got deeper into creating this original movement it became apparent that not only could this movement function as a quiet and accurate Lunar Movement it would not take too much fussing around to make it also run as a Year and Day movement if I wanted that to happen. I said, "Yes. Please. Thank you."

Prototype Numero Uno

What I am saying here is that after ten years of developing this brand, this story, these timepieces, what I now have is a single movement that I will be able to program during assembly as a Day Moon or Year movement.

Holding The Present


Going into working with Josh all I hoped for was a legit Lunar Movement. What we have emerged with is a gift I have been unwrapping ever since I took the leap to create the first prototype of The Present Year in the summer of 2011.

See the video that kickstarted this adventure!

An original, singular movement that is able to be programmed by me during assembly to run as The Present Day, The Present Moon or The Present Year truly is a gift.

Perfect fit. BTW Final cork will look way nicer than this.

Something about walking to the 53rd street subway station late last night felt like every single thing I’ve done since I moved to New York in 2004 has led to this breakthrough.

New York I love you and you're lifting me up.

To everyone who has been on this adventure with me for all of these years, it really feels like this is the most significant update of the entire journey so far. I’m so grateful for your support and patience and for having the opportunity to work with CW&T who opened the door to working with Josh. 

Thank you for enabling this story to come to life dear reader. Sometimes it takes ten years to realize you are just now getting started.  Sometimes it takes ten years to land on a brand like this:

The Present


There is still so much more that I want to tell you about this super-movement. 

Before I do though, I wanted to invite you to take a moment to have a peek at some of the testimonials I’ve received over the years from owners across the world who've lived with The Present. You may even recognize your own comments even though they are all anonymous.

Is this really happening?

While the reviews of The Present are uplifting and in some cases, profound; it reminds me that The Present has been out there for some time now. 

Meaning, I also know what the most common malfunction has been. 


In fact, the only thing that has made The Present defective so far is when owners forget to change the batteries and said batteries naturally / eventually burst and make a mess that cancels out the ability for the movement to receive power. 

So in order to prevent that from happening in the future to The Present, the movement we’re developing has taken this nasty problem into account and solves it.

The only thing that stops The Present so far.


Okay, what I am about to tell you is by any account effectively news. This advanced movement will include a pair of the Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries with “never leak” tech so we don’t have to worry about leakage problems. 

Here is the kicker though, you will not have to change the batteries for a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of well… a very, very long time. 

I'm not going to guarantee anything over 10 years but the way this movement is made, it is totally within the realm of possibility that The Present will remain accurate without needing the batteries to be changed for upwards of 20 years and beyond.


Again, let me be clear that I am not going to guarantee anything beyond 10 years. Every year after ten years that The Present is still running on the batteries it ships with,  I will extend that guarantee by one year. Once we literally reach 20 years, I will guarantee it for twenty years but not before then.

However, the way this thing is engineered requires so little battery power that it stands to run accurately for an extremely long time. So long that we honestly will not know, until we all know, y'know?

It will be just another fun element of living with The Present; to participate in discovering together just how long a long time really is lol. You can tell your friends that the reality is no one knows just how long The Present will last before needing a battery change. 


The Present will now ship with these super batteries already installed. 

No need to fiddle with batteries on this work of art! All you will have to do now once you receive The Present is open the back plate up and press the auto-set button.

How about that!? 

Basically, The Present is one of the best gifts you can possibly give or get. The hand will then begin spanning the clock face for one revolution for a maximum of six minutes. After stopping at the top again, it will then accurately set itself to The Present Moon or The Present Year.

The button will be moved up and The Present Icon will sit below it. Press it once and auto-set begins!


The Present Day ships with the hand at noon. The owner will remove the back plate and press the button AT NOON. The hand will then move at 24 hours a day for 10+ years.

We went down the road of triangulating the exact time no matter where you are on the planet and the reality is that being able to do that is far too complex and costly for the scope of this project. 

Providing that sort of functionality would leave me no choice but to increase the cost of The Present Day by an order of magnitude. The most elegant solution is to simply have the owner press the button at noon, badda-bing-badda-noon.


  • Let’s recap.
  • Germany is no longer a viable option. 
  • Existing lunar movements are a joke.
  • Josh Levine enters the picture.
  • In a few short months we have a prototype.
  • We are now running tests on the prototype.
  • Clocks will ship with “never-leak” batteries installed.
  • Owner simply pushes a button to auto-set The Present Moon and Year.
  • Owner pushes a button at noon on The Present Day.
  • Easy peezy


At this point you will have this timepiece for 10+ years before needing to change the batteries. I did not expect that to be the case and I hope you are able to see the value in what I clearly consider a major milestone in the life of The Present. 

That said, I definitely do not expect to be shipping anything at all until September, including the standard non-steel/glass timepieces. The delay is actually not related to the new movement which should be ready to go in the next month or so. 

The fresh new delay is the fact that my printer literally gave up on printing the graphic for The Present Moon as you may already know.

Remember when The Present Day was nearly impossible to print? The Present Moon is a brand new degree of difficulty. You would think it would be easy to print and you would (and I) would be wrong.

I’m not wasting anytime though and have been in contact with Duggal Visual Solutions since mid January to manage all the prints this time around. I am currently awaiting a round of sample prints from them on a series of printing substrates like gallery grade C-Prints and even direct to substrate printing (printing right on the steel plate itself). 

If Duggal cannot do it, it cannot be done. Duggal can do it.


I have the final cork prototypes and I’m meeting with CW&T on Monday to review and confirm if they actually are the final version or not. The new movement is a different depth than the others and will likely require a minor shift in depth on the inside of the cork. That said, we’ve already prototyped an earlier thicker version of the movement pocket that we can switch back to things to before ordering the mold, so things are closer than ever with Portugal. I realize that might be a bit confusing, what I'm saying is that a whole different set of prototypes probably does not have to be made.


Everyone in the US should have their pins. If they were messed up in any way and you want a new set please email me at [email protected] and I will get you a new set. If you don't have your pins at all you've got to let me know so I can send you another parcel.

If you grabbed the pins as an ADD-ON to your clocks on Backerkit and you live outside of the US, you'll have to forgive me but I will need to include those pins in the packaging of your clocks when they ship. The cost of sending the pins separately internationally is much more expensive than the expected shipping costs. By inserting them in with your upcoming shipment it helps keep things sane. If this upsets you and you would prefer a refund on the pins let me know and I can make that happen.


Still cracking away every day on IG @daymoonyear Join the fun!


I'm so excited about this development and have been giddy about sharing the news for awhile now. I look forward to showing you where we are on the next full moon! 

In time,

Scott Thrift

The remainder of the update is only for the backers who are expecting The Heart of The Present.


Well, now you have a choice.

I will soon have the last small batch of annual movements from Germany. I can have those shipped to you relatively soon. If you use Energizer Lithium Batteries (not included) I can guarantee that they will last a minimum of seven years without needing to change the batteries.

If you would rather wait for access to the new movement design, you can request a Day, Moon or Year movement. The movements will be programmed by me before being shipped and once they are programmed they cannot be switched in any way between modes.

For clarity and elegance the movements can be one thing and one thing only. However, the shipping for the newest version of The Heart of The Present will likely not be ready until later this year as the movements will first need to be moved into clock bodies to get those out as soon as possible. It's a more involved process than ever before as I will be soldering each movement and programming it specifically for each backer, one at a time.

Only until I complete the assembly of the existing clock orders will I be able to focus my time on making The Heart of The Present available independently. Both movements are works of art and the original German engineered movement is now a rare item as they will never be made again in this way.

I will reach out to each backer who ordered The Heart of The Present towards the end of March once I have the annual movements in hand and can ship if you so choose. In the meantime give it some thought. For anyone who wanted a Moon or Day movement, you can switch from the Year to one of those if you so wish, but again, it won’t ship until November realistically.

Please email me at [email protected] if you have questions or need to vent.

Full Ice Moon
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 01:21:11 AM


In a harmonious cycle that has carried on for millions of years, the full moon will reappear 29.5 days from now. You can count on it. Isn't that something? 

The Present Moon - Set to Full

You may have heard the phrase, "We all have the same 24 hours!" You could just as easily proclaim, “Hey, we’ve all got the same 29.5 day lunar phase!” and you would be right. Same goes for the year of course. It's probably healthy to make arrangements for getting to know time better. You are well on your way to being ahead of the curve yourself as far as time goes. 

I know I have said this before but getting to know the pace of the lunar cycle using The Present Moon is delightful. Seeing it line up today made me so grateful to be able to make these for you and get this tool out into the world. Let's take a look at the latest on when that is going to happen.

Quick updates conscious of your limited time: 

 Europe or bust?

Production and assembly of all reward clocks will take place here in Brooklyn, NY. It’s too risky for a number of reasons to try to make the move to Europe before taking care of these orders. Thank you for your patience, please be safe and take care of yourself.

Production Prototype Cycle  

We continue to get prototypes made as we refine the tooling that will be used to make thousands of components at once. This is tedious and time consuming but 100% normal and no cause for concern. There are so many moving parts to all of the moving parts that I am holding off on going into too much detail before the next prototypes arrive. We expect them to arrive next week and hope that we will have all we need to move forward.

Here is quick video roundup of CW&T and I meeting together on the last day of 2020.  

Decades from now.

The timepieces we are making together will be functional for many decades. I am paying close attention to the craftsmanship and learning a lot from working with CW&T and their time-tested team of vendors. We are making steady progress and this week has been filled with what feels like a bunch of pieces falling together at the right time. It's the sort of thing that happens only after many months of committed work, tests and revisions.  

A life of their own.

This is the first time I’ve been through the process of manufacturing where I have not been in a mad rush, putting out fires left and right in an unreasonable self induced demand to get everything out asap no matter the cost. Sprinting to the finish line is the head space where I’ve made most of my mistakes in this industry. 

How do we feel about felt?

I’ve learned that these things have a life of their own and trying to force the world of manufacturing to fit my own expectations of urgency is a recipe for spiking cortisol and making completely preventable long term mistakes. It is a special type of thorn in the side to have to utilize thousands of versions of a single thing that you knew you could have taken the time to make better.  

Here is a quick piece on a particular method of long-term thinking you might appreciate.

Assembly estimates

My current estimate is that I expect to have a small team helping me assemble everything from May to August. I will put a feather in my cap if we can have all rewards shipped by the end of August. It is more likely though that shipping will continue throughout September and into October for international backers.  

What's your overall take on the present progress?

I am standing in a place of confidence that all the parts are being effectively refined during this stage. It's tedious for sure but with patience and our focus on elegance we believe we are setting ourselves up for a pleasant and speedy assembly process. 

In time,

Scott Thrift

A selfie from 100 years ago... 1921.

The Last Full Moonrise of 2020
over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 06:29:43 PM

In case you missed tonight's moonrise, we captured it in this short peaceful episode for you.                     

The Present Pins have shipped.

In this episode "It's All on the Table" I thank each and every person who chose The Present Pin reward this past summer. Thank you for supporting independent works of art like The Present. Domestic pins have shipped, international The Present Pin rewards ship out next week. 

Finding balance with The Present Moon.

I had a valuable insight while watching the phases of the moon play out over time with the prototype of The Present Moon. I did my best to explain it in this short episode called, "Where is home on The Present Moon?". It's a simple insight but I had not considered it before and I think you might enjoy finding out about it as well. 

Steel Production Prototypes Round One

Want to see what the first round of Steel Production Prototypes look like?

In this video, I go into detail regarding the changes that will need to be made to this first round. Meeting with my manufacturing partners CW&T on the last day of 2020 to sort out next steps. There are a lot of things that still need to be altered but in general, my first impression is that I'm impressed.

If you're curious about how production prototypes work, I expect to see a second round after we clarify the changes that need to be made to these. Once the second round arrives, it is likely that some minor changes will still need to be made which will be executed in the third and final installment of prototypes. Again, this process is all about measuring twice and cutting once. 

Thank you for helping The Present shine in 2020.

Wishing everyone a brighter 2021.

In time,

Scott Thrift


The shortest day of the longest year.
over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 07:03:35 PM

Looks like things are lining up.

December 21, 2020

Today's short video was made for you.

The Great Conjunction

See you on the Full Moon.

In time,

Scott Thrift


Full Moon Update - November 30, 2020
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 10:14:43 PM


  • The estimated date of assembly is set begin on the first Equinox of 2021.
  • North and South American addresses will be shipped from the east coast of the USA.
  • Asian and European addresses will ship from The Netherlands.
  • The first reward tier of pins begins shipping the week of December 7, 2020.


Thank you again to everyone who responded to the address collection survey! If you have not shared your address that also means I don't know what style of time you prefer. Please click the link below (or copy+paste into url) and enter the email you use for your Kickstarter account and respond to the survey. Thank you!


The latest prototypes from Portugal arrived late last week and with the minor changes mentioned in the last update, everything is lining up nicely. The next step is to make sure the powder coated steel faceplate has an appropriate fit/feel with the cork body. I do expect the prototypes of each of the incoming metal parts to go through one more round before being ready to produce. I'm also leaving open the possibility of doing one more cork prototype if it is necessary. 

This part of the process is all about waiting, getting the prototype, making small changes, having another one made and waiting again for it to arrive. Over the next four months it will be more of the same — a glorified version of "measure twice cut once". That said, this part of the process of making things is actually one of the most challenging. It is in this period that irrevocable mistakes can be made. That is why I am grateful to be working with CW&T and the vendors they've had relationships with for many years. They currently have a holiday gift guide up at the moment if you want to check that out.


The pace and timing of everything so far is falling within my gradient of expectation. I'm looking forward to sending out the first tier of rewards beginning the week of December 7th, 2020.   


It's hard to put into words how inspiring it is to know so many people from so many places want to get to know time better. I'm grateful for your time and support. Thank you for helping The Present shine.

In time,

Scott Thrift
IG: daymoonyear

We've continued to upload a video every day on the Youtube channel and tonight will be episode 90?! It's a good way to check in and see the progress of the project. Here are three recent episodes.

This episode is a funny example of expectations vs. reality.

 This episode walks through the newest cork body prototypes.

This episode features us signing the lease for the clock shop on Friday 13, 2020 at 13:13.

 See you on December 29th!